We strongly believe that our generation does not have to reproduce the hierarchical, extractive and exclusionary patterns of work commonly found in academia and cultural institutions. Our salaries and job titles do not define our roles within these communities. Whenever possible, we offer resources to enable participation to all (e.g., by hybrid event provision or travel fund for precariously employed workers). We are keen on disseminating our research in non-commercial open-access publications as well as formats accessible to a range of people outside academia (e.g. podcasts, news items, artworks).
Above all, we would love to cultivate a supportive and generous circle of people who could act as each others' critical friends, collaborators and peer mentors. Please reach out if you have a suggestion on how we could work better together!
We are committed to horizontal and transparent decision making practices. Below you can find our financial statements.
We are grateful for the generous support from the following institutions:
- 5000 EUR from the Institute for Technology Assessment and Systems Analysis, research group DIGIT, to fund conference organisation
- 1000 EUR from Universitat Oberta de Catalunya to cover conference organisation
- 6300 EUR from the Innovation Launchpad+ to support website development, website artworks and conference accommodation for team members at STS Italia 2025
- 1500 EUR from the European Association for the Study of Science and Technology (EASST Fund) for conference organisation