Abstract Submission
Submit your abstract, no longer than 300 words, before the 10th of May 2025!
While writing the abstract, please consider the thematic track and format. Below you can find the summary of thematic tracks and formats and here you can access their full description.
Concepts and characteristics: How to define hype against rivaling concepts in academic and media representations? What is the difference between hype an imaginaries, trends, alarmism, visions, expectations or futures?
Dynamics and temporalities: How can hype be read, studied, assessed - or even anticipated? When and where does hype happen? How can linguistic, narratological, artistic, historic, ethnographic, statistical and bibliometric, or discourse analytical approaches inform the study of hype?
Engaging: How do practitioners and artists depict, experience, produce and deal with hypes? We welcome contributions on topics ranging from debunking, myth-busting, fact-checking, training in journalism, science and technology communication, artistic interventions...
Panel presentation: Traditional academic panel where you will present your research or insight into a topic, theory, initiative or project and its background. The conference organisers will put your proposal along other 3 similar.
Open floor: Curate a discussion space, where two or more people gather to discuss about a topic, concept, project or event. We expect this format to be interactive and participatory, including the audience. You can submit individually, or as a group.
Making and Doing: Present on the conference space action-research projects, workshops, activist interventions, games, video art and other experiments. We will incorporate your work on the conference location as an art installation, workshop/game or a video. Alternatively, you can also pitch a format you find inspirational (open format).